Solstice is coming! What a beautiful time to start thinking about how we want our next expansion phase to look.
If you want to see change, remember that your experience today is the out-picturing of past thoughts, feelings, and judgments that either belong to you, or the collective consciousness. Change will not happen if you drag those same thoughts, feelings, and judgments into the future. It will only create more of the same, which could be either AWESOME or YIKES, depending on how you feel about your life at the moment. Ask yourself these questions before you jump on creating that Vision Board! What amazingness do I envision for myself and others moving forward? What beliefs are holding me back? What do I need to believe to achieve my vision? What behaviors are counterproductive? What am I willing to change? Who do I want to be moving forward? Ooops. Today, I recognize that it’s time to buy a new journal. If you need support clearing past beliefs and patterns, reach out for a session!
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We often look to the past for what we could’ve done differently—inner child work to heal old wounds, contemplating the pearls of wisdom you might share with your younger self. But what if we could call in our inner wise elder? If you think about it from a quantum perspective that is straight down the rabbit hole, if everything is happening in the now, why wouldn’t your older, wiser self be accessible?
Try having a sit-down with your inner 90-year-old, asking what insights they can share with your today-self. It’s surprisingly powerful. Today, I recognize the wisdom that is always accessible to me. Btw, my inner 90 year old is extremely cool. Every emotion carries its own vibrational frequency. In the book “Power Vs. Force,” Dr. David Hawkins measures the frequency of each emotion and lists them in a handy chart he calls the “Map of Consciousness.” Love, joy, and peace top the chart, while lower-frequency emotions like guilt, shame, and despair are at the bottom.
Emotional frequencies are contagious and pass from person to person, like cell signaling in the collective consciousness. As more people vibe with an emotion, the frequency amplifies. This is why a good comedy is even more hilarious in a crowded theatre. Contagious, divine silliness!!! This Holiday Season, let’s bless each other with the frequency of gratitude, joy, …and divine silliness! So, so grateful!!! Everyone has their “Okay…that was weird” moments when those innate intuitive abilities show up in odd ways. Like when someone calls when you were just thinking about them, or that feeling when you know someone is staring at you…Babies are brilliant at staring to get your attention! Once you learn how these nudges feel, and start recognizing them as intuition, you will experience them more frequently.
Notice when your intuition is strongest. Is it in the morning or evening? During meditation? Meditation helps calm the mental chatter, allowing subtle messages to surface. Or maybe you are most intuitive when you are in a creative space. Creativity itself is a very intuitive process. Practice: When someone calls or texts, before looking to see who it is, notice who comes to mind first. Notice how it feels when you are correct. It’s a simple way to build your intuitive muscles! Today, I allow myself to be guided toward my highest good. I recognize and am grateful for the many ways I receive guidance and clarity. Need help connecting to your intuitive self? Reach out and book a session by replying to this message! What we allow to enter our consciousness has a profound effect on our well-being. Something running in the background can affect us in ways that we are completely unaware of. And it can definitely throw a monkey wrench into the conscious creation of our experience.
Notice what you are watching, reading, or listening to on your ‘rectangle of choice.’ Is the television droning on while you are only semi-conscious early morning or late in the evening? Remember, there’s a reason they call it programming. Do you really want pharmaceutical drug commercials to be what drops into your subconscious? Although, they are pretty hilarious when you’re fully conscious. Try pivoting to content that makes you feel high-frequency emotions like joy, love (Hallmark), or divine silliness (Monty Python). Listen to music that moves the energy in your body and makes you dance in the kitchen— read something that inspires creativity. It’s different for everyone, and there are certainly enough choices! So, so many choices… This week, I’ve decided that British detective shows soothe my soul. That’s what’s goin’ down at Janet’s house. Delightful, cheesy, awesomeness. Today, I recognize only delightful, cheesy, awesomeness in my experience! If I’m having a challenging moment, one of my favorite ways to shift my perspective is to ask myself, What if?
What if the story I’m making up about this situation isn’t true? (What??? I never do that.) What if it all turns out beautifully? (That would be groovy) What if it’s easier than I think? (Personal favorite) Notice where you have your challenging moments and if you are making false assumptions. For instance… Do you worry about people judging you? Is there an important event coming up for you that is making you a bit stressed? Is there a project you have a burning desire to get done but… you can’t even get started because it seems like an impossible task that throws your brain straight into the VitaMix with your kale and blueberries? Flip the script! Pick a challenge, any challenge, and make a list of positive What ifs. Note any changes in your body and attitude. You may feel lighter, more confident, and hopeful! And, don’t be surprised if the situation resolves itself in a most unexpected way! I love it when that happens! Today, I recognize that everything unfolds perfectly in perfect timing. It may look different than how I imagine, but what if it’s even better? I let go with gratitude and open myself to the possibility of a perfect outcome! You energize what you recognize. As soon as you notice, or recognize something, and make a decision about it, you will start to see more of it. For instance, seeing triple numbers…111, 333, etc. You wake up at 5:55, have lunch at 1:11, decide this happens to you all the time…then it does.
Notice what you recognize and make decisions about during the course of your day. Just notice. If you hit some traffic on the way to work, do you decide the entire day is going to be difficult? Or, maybe you notice how kind and helpful your barista is and decide that most people are pretty awesome. What if you directed all your decisions in deliberately positive and creative ways? Decide what you want to recognize moving forward and watch what happens! Today, I recognize that I am surrounded by helpful, supportive people and my day unfolds with grace and ease. Such strange times…a collective drama that apparently needs to be processed individually. It feels like we are misbehaving children that have been sent to our rooms to “think about what we’ve done,” to face our deepest fears, or at least to finally recognize the common denominator of humanity…that we are all cells in the same body of consciousness. Kind of like, Borg- 3 of 5. (sorry) And yes, resistance is futile. We are going to be in a time out until we get it.
It’s time to go within and clean out the cobwebs. Remembering that what we process individually, we process for the whole. What we grieve individually, we grieve for the whole. And when our heart finally opens, it opens to everyone and for everyone. Live long, and prosper. Janet Oh, I’ve SO got this!!! Yes, you do!!! Hopefully, you have spent some time building your energetic biceps and you can enjoy the holidays without feeling like you’re playing tennis too close to the net. If not, check out my previous holiday blog posts, or better yet, give me a shout for a coaching session! Stay sovereign, my friends! Janet |
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